Types of health insurance exchanges

Health is wealth. Is it true? Yes, Of course, everyone wants to be healthy, and that's why we say that health is the greatest wealth in the world. To understand the field of health insurance, it is useful to start with the most basic things. Health insurance is basically a promise of an insurance company to provide you health care services (medical, visit to the doctor or emergency room, hospitalization and other medicine expenses) in exchange for commissions. Types of health insurance 1. Point-of-Service Plans (POS) 2. Fee-for-Service Plans 3. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) 4. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) These four types of health insurance may have four different names, but they provide medical care to people. Most affordable plan is "FREE-SERVICE PLAN". It has got some limitations. the organization has obtained the preferred supplier of several options, but this is the most expensive. It's...